Building Your Perfect Breakfast Routine
Breakfast is definitely the most important meal of the day, but how do you build the perfect routine? Use our tips, and you’ll start owning your mornings.
You Need to Eat Well to Own Your Morning
We’ve been hearing it our whole lives – breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Turns out that it’s true.
Not only can eating breakfast be a great way to encourage a strong metabolism, but it can even lead to weight loss, as long as you keep healthy breakfast food choices in mind when you’re doing your weekly meal planning.
We want to give you all the tools you need to own your mornings, so we’ve put together some useful tips on how to maintain a good breakfast routine, which will not only give you the fuel you need to start the day but will encourage good overall health for your body.
Before we jump into our suggestions, let’s discuss what a good breakfast routine looks like, some benefits of maintaining a solid breakfast routine, and how to plan to ensure you have everything you need for a successful routine.
What is a Good Breakfast Routine?
A good breakfast routine can mean very different things from one person to another because we all have different tastes.
The most important thing to remember when you’re trying to establish new morning regimens, like a morning detox routine or finding the best skincare routine, is that you should always try to make the healthiest choices for your body.
Whether you’re craving a savory or a sweet meal, there are healthy alternatives to processed breakfast foods, which can give you the same level of satisfaction as an unhealthy choice.
A ‘good’ breakfast routine ultimately boils down to a routine that allows you to enjoy your breakfast, while also letting you make the right dietary choices to set your body up for daily success.
Your routine might look very different than someone else’s. However, if you’re each making healthy breakfast choices, you’re both doing the right thing.
What are the Benefits of a Good Breakfast Routine?
There are a surprising number of potential benefits to having a healthy breakfast every day.
In addition to getting your metabolism revved up to start the day, breakfast fuels your tank with energy to keep you going.
Overnight your body is fasting. Breakfast breaks that fasting cycle and prepares every part of your body for the coming day – it impacts literally everything from your organs to your brain function. Eating breakfast is also known to improve heart health and give you stronger bones.
Is there anything a healthy breakfast doesn’t help?
How to Plan for a Good Breakfast Routine
Eating a good breakfast every day might sound like something that everyone does, but it’s not always as simple as that for people who have a lot of morning responsibilities (i.e., parents, pet owners, etc.) or work odd hours of the day.
You might think that staying hydrated in the morning is enough, and while it’s important, water, juice, or coffee are no substitutes for a healthy meal.
Planning for a good breakfast routine involves several steps of preparation. Otherwise, you won’t have what you need readily available for your first meal of the day.
Take the time to set yourself up for success, and you’ll be a lot more likely to be able to keep your new routine going every day.
7 Tips for Maintaining a Good Breakfast Routine:
1.) Shop with Good Breakfasts in Mind
Slapping a ‘healthy’ breakfast together when you haven’t taken the time to do any real planned shopping is not the best idea for your breakfast routine.
There’s a good chance that you’ll be missing something that you would normally include in a healthy meal because you forgot to add it to your shopping list.
Taking the time to plan ahead makes a huge difference when it comes to cooking daily healthy meals, and breakfast is no exception to this.
All you have to do is sit down for a half-hour a week, and make sure that you have all the ingredients you want for your perfect healthy breakfast every morning.
This way, you won’t be left scouring the pantry for unhealthy alternatives at breakfast time.
2.) Plan Your Breakfasts Ahead of Time
Now that you have your ingredients, plan out exactly what you’re going to have every morning of the week for breakfast.
This may sound redundant, but are you planning to eat the same thing every single day?
If so, we hope you don’t get bored of your healthy choices. When you do, you could lose interest and motivation in your healthy breakfast routine. You don’t want that.
We’d recommend planning at least 2-3 different types of healthy breakfasts throughout the week. This way, you get to keep some variety in your first meals, which will help keep you engaged and excited to stay on track.
3.) Give Yourself Lots of Time to Eat
No one wants to rush their breakfast.
Not only does that set you up for things like indigestion, but it also could result in overeating (not giving your body enough time to recognize that you’re full), or undereating because you’re in a hurry.
Take the time to sit down and actually enjoy your breakfast routine. This isn’t supposed to be a chore, and if you’re taking the time to plan delicious, healthy meals, wouldn’t you want to also take the time to savor them?
Try to set aside at least thirty minutes to eat each morning, outside of food preparation time. This way, you can relax and appreciate your breakfast.
4.) Eat Well-Balanced Meals
Even if you’re making healthy choices with your breakfast foods, you still need to keep balance in mind for your meal planning.
Fruits are fine for breakfast but in moderation. They’re full of natural sugars, which are fine in reasonable amounts, but if you don’t also have protein-rich foods and some kinds of greens, your breakfast isn’t balanced.
Thinking about your breakfast as a well-balanced meal, instead of just a single healthy choice or two can assist with how your breakfast routine impacts your overall health.
5.) Never Skip Breakfast
This is critical to good dietary health. Skipping breakfast means that your overnight fasting period doesn’t end until later in the day – when your body will already be in starvation mode.
We like to believe that our bodies will understand that we’re going to eat later in the day, but the truth is that they don’t.
Our bodies only know the food that we put in it last. Without a meal (or nutritious beverage at least), our bodies have to assume they won’t be getting more food for a while.
In turn, this slows your metabolism down to a crawl. Then even if we’re making healthy choices when we do eat next, our bodies will try to store as much of that food as fat, because it’s afraid we might deprive it of food again.
6.) Avoid Added Sugars
When you think of fat-causing breakfast foods, you’ll probably imagine high-fat breakfast items like bacon and sausage, or greasy, fried home fries. However, sugars are just as bad for our waistlines as these other fatty foods – sometimes even worse.
Our body uses sugar to create energy, but too much sugar means that your body doesn’t know what to do with the excess. Since it doesn’t need the energy, it stores those sugars as fat, so that you can access them later as needed.
Unfortunately, when you’re taking in too much sugar every day ‘later as needed’ never comes. In turn, this could start to have a negative impact on your weight.
Try to stick to natural sugars in the morning. Go with sugar-free, natural sweeteners in your coffee routine. Keep fruit portions small. This will help you from taking in too much sugar at once, and help you maintain your good breakfast routine.
7.) Don’t Forget the Protein
Even if you’ve only got enough time in the morning to make yourself a quick smoothie on your way out the door, there are ways that you can use this to your advantage.
Make sure to include some dark greens in your smoothie, like kale or spinach. Some fresh berries, mango, pineapple, or bananas are a great addition. Frozen works just as well, if you have the freezer space.
And don’t forget the protein! All you have to do is add a scoop of protein powder to your drink, and you’ll be making sure you’re not missing out on this critical part of any balanced breakfast.
Start Every Morning with the Right Kind of Fuel
Give Yourself Every Opportunity to Start the Day Right
A bit of preparation goes a long way when it comes to good health. If you’re committed to improving your overall well-being, starting your days with a healthy breakfast is a fantastic first step.
Plan ahead. Keep things balanced. Build your day on a foundation of healthy habits, and you’ll be prepared to face anything the day throws at you.
And when you’re fueled up and full of good food, you know you’ll be ready to own your mornings and rule your days.