Starting Out with a Basic Skin Care Routine
You don’t have to start taking care of your skin with a 20-step, expensive morning program. Ease your way into better health with a basic skin care routine
Not Every Skin Care Routine Has to be Elaborate or Expensive
Just because you’re looking to improve your daily routines and include some kind of skin care regimen to strengthen and revitalize your skin, doesn’t mean you have to spend a fortune.
There are thousands of different skin care products on the market, and you don’t have to do the absolute best skin care routine to start achieving results for your skin.
A little bit can go a long way, especially if you haven’t been making any efforts to maintain a skin care routine before. To help you get started on the road to better-looking, healthier skin, we’ve created a basic skin care routine that you can try for yourself.
Before that, let’s talk about what a basic skin care routine is, a few reasons why a good skin care routine is important, and some products you should try.
What is a Basic Skin Care Routine?
There is no one, single answer to this question because a basic skin care routine can look a little bit different from one person to another.
At its core, a basic morning skin care routine will help clean your skin to remove any dirt/sweat from the night before, as well as exfoliate, hydrate, and protect your skin for the coming day.
Unlike Asian skin care routines, which are even more elaborate than a normal skin care regimen, your basic skin care routine doesn’t need to be incredibly complex or expensive to maintain.
As long as you’re making daily efforts to improve the health and vitality of your skin, you’re on the right track.
3 Reasons Why a Good Skin Care Routine is Important:
1.) Your Skin is Your Body’s Largest Organ
Just like we take steps to eat well and detox our bodies, taking care of our skin is a huge part of our overall health.
Some doctors would argue that because the skin is our body’s largest organ, it’s just as important to take care of our skin as it is to take care of the organs inside our body.
If you don’t take care of your skin, when layers die off and new skin grows in, it can become dull or full of imperfections. In turn, this can affect your self-image or your confidence, which has a negative impact on your overall mental health.
2.) It’s Easier to Prevent Than Fix Problems
One of the biggest reasons why a good skin care routine is important is that it’s actually much easier for you to prevent skin problems by taking proactive steps and starting a basic skin care routine than it is to fix issues once they’ve started.
Take acne breakouts, for instance. Those with oily skin will tell you they’ve likely got some experience with acne breakouts.
Taking steps to keep skin oil at healthy levels through the use of a skin care regimen can help minimize breakouts from occurring and shorten the length/severity of them when they do appear.
Cracking is another common problem for people with dry skin in the winter, and taking steps to maintain well-hydrated skin will reduce pain skin cracking, which can take weeks to heal and even leave scars in severe cases.
3.) Your Skin Needs Protection
It should be no surprise that even a basic skin care routine will include protectors that are designed to shield you throughout the day.
This gives you the opportunity to ensure that even if your skin has to go up against some obstacles throughout the day (i.e., extreme temperatures, prolonged sun exposure, etc.), it has everything that it needs to remain healthy.
If you don’t, your skin may suffer from painful issues like burns, flaking, or cracking, which can be even more uncomfortable than they look – and they can look pretty unpleasant.
Plus, damage to your skin from lack of protectors could actually speed up the aging process and encourage the appearance of wrinkles. For those with oily skin, a lack of protectors could result in excessive or severe acne breakouts, which no one enjoys.
Things to Consider When You Want to Start a Basic Skin Care Routine
There are thousands of different products out there that can be used as part of your basic skin care routine, but even if someone else has recommended a specific product or brand of cosmetics to you, you’ll want to be sure to do your own research before you get started.
Everyone has different kinds of skin, and you must ensure the products that you’re using are designed for your type of skin (i.e., oily, dry, combination, etc.).
Otherwise, the products may not function as they’re intended, and you won’t get the results you’re hoping for.
Some Products You’ll Need for a Basic Skin Care Routine
There are a few basic products that you can use with your basic skin care routine, which will only help make the process more comfortable and more effective.
Take this skin scrubber, for example. It’s great for helping you to exfoliate your skin when you’re starting out your routine each morning.
Rather than an old face cloth, consider picking up one of these to dramatically improve how well you can remove dead skin and impurities before you start adding new products to your skin.
If you’re unsure what types of cosmetics you might want to purchase for your basic skin care routine, consider trying these Hera anti-aging products.
They’ll give you a range of products to try, which are all designed to work well in tandem as part of a skin care routine. Best of all, they feel amazing when you use them and work wonderfully.
5 Steps to an Effective Basic Skin Care Routine:
1.) Wash with a Gentle Cleanser (or Just Water)
Before you start applying new products to your skin, you’ll definitely want to give your skin a thorough cleaning.
This way, you can make sure that there are no cosmetics left on your face from the night before, and any oil/sweat/dirt that accumulated throughout the night is cleared off.
Think of it as starting with a blank canvas. You have to bring your skin back to the starting position so that you can ensure you’re applying the right products in the right order.
You can use just water to clean your skin if you don’t want to include a cleanser. If you do want to try a cleanser, be sure to think about the type of skin you have before you make a selection.
For people with oily skin, you’ll want an oil-based cleanser. Water-based cleansers will be repelled by skin oils, which means you won’t get as thorough a clean if you have a lot of oil built up on your pores.
2.) Apply a Toner
Toners are incredibly important as part of any skin care routine because they help your skin maintain a healthy pH level, which impacts many other parts of skin health.
This also functions as the first layer of protection in most skin care routines. Adding this as one of the steps in your basic skin care routine is a good idea, even if you’re trying to minimize the number of products you’re purchasing.
You can get body toners, as well. This way, your basic skin care routine isn’t confined to just your face – it can help improve your whole body’s overall skin health.
3.) Use a Serum
Also known as ‘brighteners’ or ‘correctors’, these products are designed to add a healthy glow to your skin through the use of their salicylic acid active ingredient.
Many of these products will take a couple of minutes to have their full effect, so this will most likely be the most time-consuming part of your basic skin care routine, but trust us, it will be worth the wait.
The visual improvements that can be achieved through the use of high-quality serums make their costs very worthwhile.
And since one serum can have such a huge impact on your skin, we’d recommend including this as part of your basic skin care routine.
While you may not believe all the wild claims that moisturizers sometimes make about the impact they have on your skin, even Harvard Medical School agrees that moisturizing is a great way to combat dry skin.
This is easily the most important part of any skin care regimen because it helps lock in moisture for the day to keep your skin hydrated and healthy.
If you were going to pick a single skin care technique to do each morning, this should be it.
5.) Don’t Forget to Protect Yourself
Particularly for those doing an AM skin care routine, you must finish your regimen with protectors for your skin.
For many people, this takes the form of sunscreen, which helps reduce your chances of burning if you’re going to be outside throughout the day.
Unprotected skin can be seriously damaged by UV exposure. If you’ve already put effort into protecting your skin for the day, all that work can be wasted with a single sunburn. Not to mention how painful sunburns can be.
Do yourself a favor and protect your skin before you head out. It’s good for your health and your comfort.
Take Care of Your Skin & It Will Take Care of You
A Basic Skin Care Routine Can Still Improve Both Physical & Mental Health
As you can see, there are a lot of reasons why a good skin care routine is important, but only you can make the decision to start improving your skin’s health.
We’re not going to lie to you – starting even a basic skin care routine does take commitment and motivation, just like starting any new morning regimen.
But once you’ve got a routine arranged, and you’re performing it every day, you’ll start to look and feel better. Once you start to see the results, you’ll be ready to own your mornings and rule your days – no matter what life decides to throw at you.